Upcoming Events
FREE DINNER– Wednesday, Sept 9th, 6:30-8:00 PM at the Crowne Plaza in Glen Ellyn. Dynamic Wellness Dinner. Join us for this free dinner and wellness presentation. Delicious food is provided by Glen Prairie and Dr Weselak will speak on how to live well without drugs or surgery.
Look at what attendees are saying:
Very informative and engaging! – Tina B
Thought it was very informative and excellent presentation. -Allison D
Everything was great. Seriously great. Was thoroughly impressed. -Anthony P
Fine presentation and great food. -Tom G
It was a great and informational seminar! -Sean W
Register for the Dynamic Wellness Dinner.
GOLF WORKSHOP– Tuesday, Sept 15th, 6-8PM at the Downer’s Grove PGA Tour Superstore. “Getting Back In the Swing: Golf and Low Back Pain”.
How does your swing affect your game? Come learn about back health and how to continue playing without injury to your back.
Dr Dave Herlihy, D.C, a chiropractor specializing in athletics, has developed this class for the love of golf-and health! After the workshop, attendees will receive free one-on-one time with the PGA Superstore Golf Pros who will analyze swings and make recommendations.
This will be a popular workshop. RSVP today as space is limited.
HEADACHE WORKSHOP– Wednesday, Sept 23rd, 6:30-8PM at the Crowne Plaza in Glen Ellyn. “Advanced Workshop: Does Your Head Hurt“.
Suffer from head pain?
Many people do! It affects health, wellness and everyday life.
Fortunately, there is an answer.
“I suffered from periodic headaches along with back pain. But now I feel so much better physcially and mentally. I also have increased energy and sleep better. These benefits have been amazing to me and have truly changed my life!’ -Rebecca P
“I have suffered from migraines for over 30 years. My migraines occured as often as weekly, often lasting for days. For years, I sought medical help to find the cause, and instead was treated only for the symptoms. If I did experience relief, it was always short-lived….But now the frequency and severity of my migraines have been greatly reduced!” -Roberta M
Do you know their secret? We do, and we want to share this lifechanging secret with you too!
Space is limited for this free workshop. RSVP today!