Before starting chiropractic care I was concerned about my back, the lumbar area was out of alignment frequently. My ears were always ringing and I felt nerves tingling along the side of my face and back of neck. I had trouble standing for longer periods. I was very inflexible – tight muscles; felt fatigued & lethargic. I was also struggling with digestion issues and insomnia.
After receiving chiropractic adjustments, I had significant improvements in flexibility & range of motion. I am more comfortable doing everyday chores and can sit comfortably in various positions – at home, driving, doing computer work etc. Improved sleep, digestion, energy levels. I noticed a tremendous change!! Overall, I feel so much better!!!
To others who are sick, suffering, or in pain I want to tell them that your spine has a much bigger impact on your overall health than most people realize. Many symptoms I experienced I thought to be coming from other areas, but as it turned out they were due to spinal subluxations.
West Suburban Wellness’s approach will help you feel better. The combination of adjustments, exercises, and therapy are effective and will improve your posture and overall health. They are an efficient, friendly, and caring office. Great healthcare and service!! I drive 40 minutes one way to come every week!!! I am grateful and thankful I found West Suburban Wellness!
-Laurie U.